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Nigeria today was a product of colonialism which replaced the slave trade. It examines how the slave master distorts history as can be seen in the encyclopedia Britannica entry on Abeokuta. Abeokuta was established in 1830 following a brutal slave raid. 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Nigeria Biafra, Benin, Abeokuta and the Slave Trade_FE(1)This is the Full Edition of our video Nigeria Biafra, Benin, Abeokuta and the Slave Trade(1)In this video we seek to look at the countries mentioned and how they were either affected or used for the slave trade. Nigeria today was a product of colonialism which replaced the slave trade. It examines how the slave master distorts history as can be seen in the encyclopedia Britannica entry on Abeokuta. Abeokuta was established in 1830 following a brutal slave raid.Please watch the video and look for the materials referenced and study them yourself. - Education - 807

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Nigeria Biafra, Benin, Abeokuta and the Slave Trade_FE(1)

Nigeria Biafra, Benin, Abeokuta and the Slave Trade_FE(1)

1 week
Nigeria Biafra, Benin, Abeokuta and the Slave Trade_FE(1)
This is the Full Edition of our video Nigeria Biafra, Benin, Abeokuta and the Slave Trade(1)
In this video we seek to look at the countries mentioned and how they were either affected or used for the slave trade. Nigeria today was a product of colonialism which replaced the slave trade. It examines how the slave master distorts history as can be seen in the encyclopedia Britannica entry on Abeokuta. Abeokuta was established in 1830 following a brutal slave raid.
Please watch the video and look for the materials referenced and study them yourself.
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