The Enemy’s Friend for Negroes-A Reply FE(2)

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The Enemy’s Friend for Negroes-A Reply FE(2)
This is the Full Edition of our response video, the Enemy’s Friend For Negroes-A Reply(2) And we are responding to some comments we received from our last video.
Mr Himself Alone
I found Idu in a book
Mr Himself Alone
Let me ask a serious question? Why is it so important for the Renaissance to convince his listeners that no Igbo ever betrayed another to the slave traders. That the same person who wrote a history of the abolition of the slave trade. Thomas Clarkson. Who recorded what supposedly went on that the whole thing about canoes going up Calabar and Bonny to raid people did not happen? Why does it matter what "so-called African Americans believe? If our people did sell us hundreds of years ago. What does that have to do with Biafra today?
Mr Himself Alone
No one who called themselves Igbo or was called Igbo by others spoke of Biafra before Ojukwu.
Chidi Ozuzu • 3 days ago (edited)
Onye-asi, here's the information you asked for and as you can clearly see, we have Idu in our history but we know no Biafra.
"Similarly, it is unquestionable that the Oedo of Barbot and the older authors was the Idu of the Niger and surrounding natives, and the Benin City of the English."-----(Arthur Glyn Leonard, "The Lower Niger and Its Tribes", pg 30, NY, 1906)
Mr. Liar, who are these so called Biafrans over whose name Arochukwu sponsored IPOB/ESN terrorists are killing and eating the Igbos and why should Dr Nelly abandon the name Idu, the name of her ancestors, and answer Biafra, a name whose origin nobody knows or is being kept a secret from us? Credit to Mr Himless Alone for helping find the info.
BELOW IS HOW A DESCENDANT OF THE SLAVE HUNTERS(A FULANI) AND A MAROON(FROM JAMAICA) TRIED TO EXPLAIN THAT THE NEGROES COULD HAVE SOLD THEMSELVES AND HOW A SON COULD HAVE SOLD THE FATHER(Please remember that they are not sensible enough to realize that the father is not like cattle that you can sell and it stands there watching, so he tries to explain how the son can sell the father and they turn to women and children in a slave ship afterwards)
IAmDameechi • 13 days ago (edited)(A Maroon from Jamaica defending Massa)
It is definitely possible to sell people and they do not resist, if you have already broken their spirits.
THE RENAISSANCE(We asked the Maroon and the Descendant of the slave hunters to explain how someone can be Sold and he or she just stands there and how a man can be sold somewhere and it turns to women and children in a British slave ship elsewhere?)
Please could you tell us how you can sell your father as they claimed? Give us step by step like I will go and command him and he follows...?
Mr Himself Alone (His response to how a Son could have sold his father)
@THE RENAISSANCE no he does not follow you unless you decieve him. Suppose you ask your father to accompany you to the market under false pretenses. You know that there are bandits that you have secretly arranged to grab him. So off the two of you go and the bandits grab him, although he fights back. It's only once they are upon you two that he realizes it's you who has betrayed him.
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Washington, B. T. (1909). The Story of the Negro: The Rise of the Race from Slavery (Vol. 1)..
Shaw, F. L. (1905). Tropical dependency: An outline of the ancient history of the Western Soudan with an account of the modern settlement of Northern Nigeria.
Orr, C. W. J. (1911). The making of northern Nigeria. Macmillan and Company, Limited.
MacQueen, J. (1840). A Geographical Survey of Africa: Its Rivers, Lakes, Mountains, Productions, States, Populations, &c. with a Map of an Entirely New Construction, to which is Prefixed a Letter to Lord John Russell Regarding the Slave Trade and the Improvement of Africa. B. Fellowes.
Buxton, T. F. (1840). The African Slave Trade, and Its Remedy. J. Murray.
Basden, G. T. (1966). Among the Igbos of Nigeria, frank cass and co Ltd.
Moll, H. (1711). Atlas Geographus; Or, A Compleat System of Geography, Ancient and Modern: Containing what is of Most Use in Bleau, Varenius, Cellarius, Cluverius, Baudrand, Brietius, Sanson, &c. With the Discoveries and Improvements of the Best Modern Authors to this Time. Illustrated with about 100 New Maps, Done from the Latest Observations.
Blum J. D.(1969 ) Who Cares About Biafra Anyway? Retrieved from
Tucker, S. (1856). Abbeokuta: Or, Sunrise Within the Tropics: an Outline of the Origin and Progress of the Yoruba Mission.
Cugoano, O. (1999). Thoughts and sentiments on the evil of slavery and other writings.
Leonard, A. G. (1906). The lower Niger and its tribes.
Burdo, A. (1880). The Niger and the Benueh: Travels in Central Africa.
Rees, A. (1819). The cyclopædia; or, universal dictionary of arts, sciences, and literature.
Marwick, W. (1897). William and Louisa Anderson: A Record of Their Life and Work in Jamaica and Old Calabar.
MILDRED, E. T(2020) Boris Johnson said colonialism in Africa should never have ended retrieved from on 28th December, 2021
Auberon,W.(1968) Britain and Biafra:The Case for Genocide Examined retrieved from on 28th December, 2021