Biafra Freedom and the slave trade- A Reply_FE(1)
This is the Full Edition(FE) of our video on the Biafra freedom and the slave trade a reply. The video is actually a response video to a comment we received from our previous video.
• 6 days ago (edited)
Dane Calloway says the slave trade did in fact take place but in the opposite direction than what the colonizers teach. It was from the Americas to the Caribbean, Europe and Afrika. So Afrikans weren`t brought to the Americas it was the reverse American Indian Prisoners of War were taken to the Caribbean, Europe and Afrika. Some of these same enslaved indians were brought back to America labeled as Afrikans. If you want to know which Anglo-Indian Wars? I'm speaking of the "Pequot and Kings Phillips" Wars of the 1670s. It is a historical fact that Indian Prisioners of War were sold as slaves in the Caribbean and beyond from those Anglo-Indian conflicts.
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