The head of the serpent for Negroes-A Reply FE(3)

3 années 19 Vues

The head of the serpent for Negroes-A Reply FE(3)
This is the Full Edition of the continuation of our response video to a comment we received on one of our previous videos. The comment is below

Mr Himself Alone
Publicly subscribed to you (1 year)
• 3 weeks ago
Biafra on maps is shown as being where Cameroonian is today and Benin on maps is the southern portion of modern Nigeria
Full video is available on,, and among others. Please note that we did not restrict the full video to Patreon out of a desire to make money but because we observed that the descendants of the slave hunters flag our videos when the full videos are posted openly.
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.Boyer, A. (Ed.). (1711). The Political State of Great Britain: Containing, an Impartial Account of the Most Important and Remarkable Transactions; Changes in the Ministry; and Proceedings in Parliament and Convocation; and in Particular, the Whole Debates and Examinations of the House of Peers about the Affairs of Spain, Viz. the Earl of Peterborow's Answers, to the Five Questions Put to His Lordship; the Earl of Galway's Narrative and Reply; Original Letters of the Earl of Sunderland, and Mr. Stanhope; the Speeches and .... J. Baker, at the Black Boy in Pater-Noster-Row.
Buxton, T. F. (1840). The African Slave Trade, and Its Remedy. J. Murray.
Stanley, H. M. (1893). Slavery and the Slave Trade in Africa. New York: Harper.
Huntley, H. V. (1850). Seven Years' Service on the Slave Coast of Western Africa (Vol. 1). TC Newby.
Holcombe, W. H. (1861). Suggestions as to the Spiritual Philosophy of African Slavery: Addressed to the Members and Friends of the Church of the New Jerusalem. Mason brothers.
Lugard, F. D. (1922). Dual mandate in British tropical Africa.
Woodson, C. G.(1917). The Journal of Negro History.