Jacob’s Voice and Esau’s Body-A Reply-FE(1)

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Jacob’s Voice and Esau’s Body-A Reply-FE(1)
This is the Full Edition of our video- Jacob’s Voice and Esau’s Body-A Reply-(1) It is a continuation of our series on how the slave master hides behind his slave hunting partners to mete out evil against the Negroes. It is actually a response video to a comment we received suggesting that we are focused on Nigeria although we focus on Negroes all over the world and West and Central Africa where the slave hunters are still active.
This video will help identify and understand how the slave masters and their slave hunting partners are still working together. As an example, when you hear the Fulanis in Nigeria threaten war, you will understand that it is the slave master hiding behind them as they were used as slave hunters during the slave trade.
The video is simply a reply to show that we do not focus on Nigeria alone but the entire area of what was Negroland and Guinea
Full video is available o.n Patreon and at Odysee.com, and crystalviews.net among others.
Please note that we did not restrict the full video to Patreon out of a desire to make money but because we observed that the descendants of the slave hunters flag our videos when the full videos are posted openly.
Full Videos can be found on odyssey.com and Crystalviews.net
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For those that have supported us, we say thank you

Buxton, T. F. (1840). The African Slave Trade, and Its Remedy.
Shaw, F. L. (1905). Tropical dependency: An outline of the ancient history of the Western Soudan with an account of the modern settlement of Northern Nigeria.
Ross, W. S. (1880). Woman: her glory, her shame, and her God.
Bello, A. S. A.(1962) My Life Cambridge
Tanner, B. T. (1869). The Negro's Origin; And, Is the Negro Cursed?. African ME Book Depository
.Waugh, A., & Cronjé, S. (1969). Biafra: Britain's Shame. Michael Joseph.